Dark Psychology Tricks We Need to Know That Always Work


Dark Psychology Tricks We Need to Know That Always Work

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  1. Introduction

    Our main focus will be on dark psychology tricks that always work but before we dive in I think it's important to talk also about the reality of dark psychology about people.
    People are manipulating you everyday and you will never understand this thing. If you are good, it does not mean that the world will be right with you because psychopaths like Hitler, big companies, politicians, salesmen and some people around you have been using dark psychology for years for their benefit, but you have to learn dark psychology not so that you can manipulate others, but you have to learn dark psychology so that no one can manipulate you using it.
    That's why in this Article, we are going to tell you about dark psychological tricks that you should know.

  2. Gaslighting Technique

    Gas lighting is a manipulation trick where the person in front of you creates self-doubt in your mind by tampering with your own memories. How do you want this situation to look like? You start doing the exact same thing. 

    As an example, 

    suppose the person in front of you did something wrong with you, and when you went to speak to him, he twisted the whole situation in such a way that it is not his fault but yours, that person will challenge your understanding that how you are misunderstanding the thing, how you have made a mistake in listening, how you are overreacting, how you have raised your expectations, because of which you are hurting yourself, if they did something wrong with you in the past, it was not their fault but yours, because you misunderstood things, you should avoid such people, because people who do such things will be seen around you the most.

  3. Fear Mongering

    This has been going on since the time of Hitler, as he used the media and propaganda to make juice the biggest threat in Germany, spread the fear of juice among the people and subjugated the people and as he went on speaking, people believed that this thing is very common even today Politicians use it, big companies try to sell you their product by spreading fear of one thing. A boss keeps his employees in fear that his job can go at any time. In a relationship, people fear that they will leave them where people are trying to scare you into doing something, then understand that that fear is a lie and they are just taking advantage of you.

  4. The Love Bombing Deception

    This trick is most often used in romantic relationships. Here a person shows so much love in the beginning that he does so much love bumping from his words to gifts and surprises to the front, shows so much affection that the front also starts loving him and when he understands that the victim has now come under his control, he has got used to it, he reduces the love bumping so that the front begins to crave for the same thing that why this is not showing the same kind of affection as before me, a sense of rejection starts to come in him and he starts to believe a lot of unethical things of that manipulator and he becomes a victim of manipulation, so whenever someone is very overly sweet with you in the starting, understand that there is something wrong.

  5. Social proof

     In his book Social Proofing Influence: The Psychology of Puss, Robert explains that when we are confused, we automatically judge people around us by looking at friends, celebrities, or influences. Social proof is a very common psychological trick where when you see people around you doing the same thing, you automatically start going to those things
    Where when you see people around you doing the same thing, you also automatically start going to those things, just the thing that makes this trick dark is that people sometimes try to make a fake social proof, like by seeing positive reviews of a movie, we go to watch a movie even if it is not so good. A person who does not like you so much, but your family and friends around you are all saying that it is very good, then you also start trying to change your perception and sometimes your perception is being changed and you do not even know.

  6. Silence Speaks

     This is also a very dark psychological hack which is completely dependent on one line Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Sometimes to break the front, to say something or to realize something, by saying something or by doing a drama, you do not get the right result as much as by remaining silent because silence triggers multiple emotions inside the front, they become confused, they start self-doubting, they start getting angry. Along with this, their attachment to you also increases. This is very useful in a relationship.

     For example, 

    suppose a very close friend of yours, a family member or a partner, has made a mistake that you do not like and even after your repeated refusal, they are not listening to you at such a time and stop speaking.

  7. Guilt Trip

    Here, the one in front of you reminds you of any of your past mistakes or mistakes again and again, so that you come to a vulnerable state and you are forced to do what the one in front wants.

     For example,

     your partner is convincing you to go somewhere, but if you do not want to go there, then instead of explaining to you, use such words that you never go anywhere with me. By saying such things, they are trapping you in gilt so that if you do not listen to them with your own pleasure, then at least come in gilt and accept them.

  8. Force Teaming

    In force teaming, someone manipulates you by creating a situation where you feel compelled to comply.
    For instance, your boss might present a problem the company is facing, emphasizing the urgency and the need for everyone to work together. Even if you have reservations, the pressure to conform may lead you to agree, even if it means working on a weekend.


     Boss announces a critical project and insists that everyone must collaborate, including working on weekends.

  9. Choice Restriction

    Manipulators limit your options to steer your decisions in their favor. By narrowing your choices, they reduce your decision-making power.Example: Instead of directly telling your sibling to study, you might say, “Why don’t you go out and buy some study materials?” This indirectly restricts their choice and encourages them to study.

  10. Time Restraints and Suffering

    People are easier to fool when they are emotionally sensitive, fatigued, or hungry. An opportunity for trickery to change judgments exists.


     Imagine a colleague resigns, and you want to know where they’re going. Instead of asking directly, you say, “I heard you’re leaving the country. Which startup did you join?” This indirect approach triggers their desire to correct misinformation.

  11. Self-Abasement

    self-abasement to get what he wants Most of the time it is used To win people's trust, to apologize or to strengthen relationships, when we insults ourselves, when we show ourselves down in front of someone else, they automatically feel superior, which makes them feel good.
    A manipulator might say, “I’m not very good at this, but could you help me?"

     For Example, 

    your partner is angry with you, they are not accepting any of your things, self-abasement will come in handy here I am very bad I don't know how I made this mistake, no matter how hard I try, I always mess things up. Just two four such lines are sufficient for manipulation Females also use this trick to downgrade themselves slightly so that they get a lot of compliment in return.

  12. Conclusion

Awareness serves as our shield in a world where manipulation can take many different forms. This includes being able to recognize manipulation, as was covered in this article on "Dark Psychology Tricks." Let's exercise caution as we negotiate interpersonal and societal relationships. We escape the shadows cast by people who want to control us by doing this. Remember that the truth dispels darkness, and that knowing the strategies employed against us is what makes us strong.